Our Top 20 Realtors of 2021 in Tulsa, OK

Top Realtors in Tulsa, OK - Best Tulsa Realtors

We’ve worked with hundreds of Realtors™ across the Greater Tulsa area and thousands of homebuyers spanning the state. We want to state our absolute biggest thank you to each and every one of these homebuyer’s agents for all the referrals and trust you gave to our inspection team throughout 2021.

You invested in our company, making a way for us to provide stellar jobs to our multiple inspector team. Jobs that, during a pandemic, provided for their families. Your hard work trickles down into the lives of others, you should be proud of yourselves.

We hope you continue to rise and exceed every goal you set for yourselves in 2022. We are your biggest cheerleaders. Please continue to partner with us in the future, you and your homebuyers will not be disappointed in the rich customer service and outstanding home inspection knowledge we deliver.

Tulsa’s Best Real Estate Agents

Top Tulsa Realtors in order of Inspections Performed Per Realtor™ with Forever Home Inspection

  1. Alejandro Laurens

  2. Ashley Dailey

  3. Candice Alcott

  4. Lori Kindle

  5. Erica Garvin

  6. Brittani Carns

  7. Amanda Thompson

  8. Morgan Roberts

  9. Heather Lens

  10. Jayme Fritz

  11. Jamie Sontag

  12. Kelly Garrison

  13. Allie Hodges

  14. Tony Bastian

  15. Darla Brandon

  16. Cylas Brooks

  17. Cheyanne Johnson

  18. Jessica Brogan

  19. Mark Soderstrom

  20. Joe Lindsay