How Location Plays into the Home Inspection

How Location Plays into a Home Inspection

When preparing to do a home inspection, buyers should be aware of how location plays a role. Primarily, location affects the price of a home inspection and what the inspector looks at. It’s good to be thoughtful about your house’s location because it helps you prepare for the home inspection and helps you ask better questions during it.

Home Inspection Costs are Higher in Bigger Cities

If you live in a place with a higher cost of living, local home inspectors will probably charge more. Meanwhile, if you live in a rural area where the nearest home inspectors will have to travel to reach you, that will also cost extra money.

Environment Can Determine Additional Home Inspection Services

Environmental factors that are determined by location can also affect the price. For example, if you live in an area that has a termite problem, you’ll want a termite inspection, which some home inspectors charge a fee for (but not with Forever Home Inspection! We offer free termite inspections).

Or say you live in an area where radon is an issue. Your inspector will spend the extra time testing for Radon. The extra fees are often associated with the expensive equipment required to perform the test and the additional time required perform the service and provide the report.

Understand Your Home Inspection Needs

Remember, you’re purchasing the home and you’re paying for the home inspection service so be sure to ask as many questions as you like. If this bothers your home inspector or the team, find a company that’s a better fit for your needs. Purchasing a home is among the largest investments of your lifetime, make sure you are moving through the process with CONFIDENCE! Doing so will make you a more informed buyer and/or homeowner!