DIY Projects

Natural Cleaners for the Home

Cleaning your house is an important part of home maintenance, but sometimes it can feel overwhelming, especially if you are concerned about using eco-friendly, natural ingredients instead of harsh chemicals, and/or are watching your wallet. Luckily, there are many natural cleaners you probably have in your kitchen that can be used as natural, non-chemical cleaners and can help you keep your home clean and smelling fresh, while also saving you money. Here are five non-toxic natural cleaners you probably have on hand, and some ways to use them.

Temporary Accent Walls for the Indecisive Homeowner

Accent walls are a classic way to add a burst of color or texture to a room. For an indecisive homeowner though, committing to an accent wall can be intimidating. There are other reasons you may want to try a temporary solution instead of a permanent one as well. You may be in an apartment or renting a home and may not be allowed to paint, or perhaps you’re staging a home to sell. No matter what the reason, there are plenty of creative alternatives to try, and most of them are easy DIY projects! Here are four temporary accent walls to try.

How To Peel and Stick Wallpaper Like a Pro

Peel and stick wallpaper is an alternative to traditional wallpaper that allows homeowners to easily choose and hang new wallpaper. Peel and stick is generally cheaper than traditional wallpaper, and there are a variety of prints and designs to choose from. For the indecisive homeowner, it can be the perfect option for those wanting to experiment with some change in a room. With just a little bit of prep and practice, you’ll soon be able to peel and stick like a pro.

Budget-Friendly Projects For Any Home

Being a homeowner means always being on the lookout for ways to upgrade your home and improve your space. While this sounds tedious, it can actually be quite fun with the right projects! That’s why it’s nice to have a few budget-friendly and novice-friendly DIY projects in your back pocket. These projects only require minimal materials, some of which you may already have at home, and no experience necessary. So whether you have a free weekend, are getting bored with a certain room, or simply need a creative outlet, these 3 easy DIY projects to do at home will help you find the perfect project to do right now.

How To Whitewash Anything

As we looked at in 4 Steps For Preparing to Whitewash Anything, whitewashing is a simple, relatively inexpensive, and chic way to update your home. Whitewash paint creates a protective covering on materials than can make them last longer. You can whitewash brick and wood, meaning fireplaces, furniture, and accent walls are ideal candidates for this easy DIY project. Once you have decided what to decorate and have all the materials for it, here is how to whitewash.

4 Steps For Preparing to Whitewash Anything

Whitewashing is a tried-and-true method that can give a piece of furniture, a fireplace, a wall, or even an entire home exterior a major makeover. Even more impressively, when used on brick, whitewash provides a resilient and protective coating that can help preserve the brick. In many cases, whitewashing is a relatively inexpensive and easy way to remodel and spruce up features of a home. Whitewashing is a classy, elegant aesthetic that most homeowners (and potential buyers) love. Here is how to whitewash your home.